next we take you to CES Las Vegas 2013, and to the future...

By Benford Standley, President/Producer StudioClub.com


Jeffrey Katzenberg

DreamWorks CEO

Soleil Moon Frye

Punky Brewster

John Landau

Producer of Avatar

Pauley Perrette

CSI Star

This is the beginning of a new element of thePDFF.com, we want to go beyond just being a film festival,

and become a networking website for filmmakers and people interested in riding the digital age...and an

educational forum for emerging filmmakers and those that want to get out of the box and go digital multimedia


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Tom Hanks and

more Celebs



Gary Shapiro CEO of CES

talked to Fox TV and then does

his first ever 3D interview and

talked to us at the Expo, read

below some of his words from

his opening keynote at

CES 2010 in Vegas...

Gary Shapiro CEO of CES doing interview with Fox TV (rt) and his first 3D interview (left), just before we talk with him, and he gives us a

sound bite for thePDFF DVD...coming out in a few months...stay tuned for information of thePDFFat CES in Vegas in 2011...this is BIG


"Alan Kay, the XEROX PARC computer scientist, once said, "The best way to predict the future is to

invent it." That is exactly what the technology industry does every day. We do not let events happen to us.

We control our destiny because we own innovation and we invent the future.


January 7, 1927, the first transatlantic telephone call was made, from New York to London. Today,

literally billions of people around the world have a wireless phone in their pocket. Thanks to wireless

innovation, buckets of minutes and mobile data services bring the power of the Internet to mobile users.

Indeed, the processing power of that pocket-sized device exceeds that of early mainframes that took

up entire rooms. And you can see it all here at CES, from wireless broadband networks to applications,

from hand sets to tablets, from touch screens to OLE D."


Since 1967, the International CES has been the one

spot on the globe where almost every major in-

novation in consumer technology has been unveiled.


And are you ready for this? CEA projects that 2010

will be the year that wireless phones surpass TV

as the single largest product category for the first


Shapiro went on to say:


"But for today, TV is still king. Our nation completed the transition to digital television in 2009 without so

much as a hiccup. Actually, we completed the transition twice – once in February and again in June. I

often said that the DTV transition was our industry’s Y2K – and it turned to be just as much of a nonevent.

What I love most about the success of this transition is that our industry didn’t look back or gratuitously

celebrate the transition with an end-zone dance. We immediately set to work on the next-generation of

innovation. CEA is working with our broadcast partners setting standards for mobile DTV, and we are

getting 3D TV ready for widespread consumer adoption."


We were at CES early attending the Private Press Parties and Events

with all around us in the room was gadgets of the multimedia digital

future...with the powerful men that run the technology companies.



DreamWorks CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg took the stage today, before the

official start of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, to announce that the studio would release "Monsters vs. Aliens" as a 3-D Blu-ray

disc in an exclusive promotion with Samsung. The disc will be created

by Technicolor.


Katzenberg said theater audiences have already embraced this new way of watching films, with four of the 10 films released in 3-D ranking among the

top movies at the box office.  "With 3-D, we give them the feeling of being immersed in the stories and characters," Katzenberg said.


CES 2014


"The new televisions and players that can lift these images off the screen will bring this experience to audiences in their homes, he

said.  Katzenberg is hoping that audiences will agree with his pronouncement, as he and Technicolor CEO Frederic Rose took

the stage wearing 3-D glasses at the annual geek fest."




Jeffrey Katzenberg, CEO of Dreamworks, discusses the emergence

of 3D television at the Samsung Press Conference.




"Paul Jacobs CEO of Qualcomm said, " Smartphone

shipments are expected to exceed all computer shipments

in 2011. But I'll tell you, the most important thing, the cell

phone has become the most widespread platform human

beings have ever created. The cell phone market is bigger

than the market for radios, TVs and the internet and fixed telephones, obviously, so this is the biggest platform in the history of mankind. Pretty amazing."


So let's change, let's talk about the internet revolution.

We have this vision that the wireless internet would fundamentally change the world and it was actually

going to have a more profound impact on the world than the wired internet. And I think that's what's

happening right now. There's all these app developers out there, they're bringing tremendous creativity

to mobile devices. End result is a better internet experience. That's a big change from the early days of

wireless, when there were only really a few vertically integrated companies and those companies were

just – they were the ones who defined what went into a phone. It was kind of a closed system. And as

a result then, there really were only a few people who could innovate. So what's changed? I mean why

is there so much interest now in the mobile internet? It's because it's about entirely new possibilities.


It's a change. It's the internet that you take with you and it's becoming more and more integrated into your

life wherever you are. It's changing the internet from a sit-down experience to a carry-along experience.

And that's something that's making it real-time, location aware, changing it into something that has a lot

 of context to it and makes it very personalized. So you personalize the things that you choose to access

or the things or people that you allow to have information and access to you.


Reports are that China and the

Asian and Latin American will

see huge growth in technology


Today, our industry estimates there are about 4.6 billion mobile subscriptions

among the planet’s 6.8 billion people. We’re nearing the day when we’ll be able to declare the entire

world connected. Of course, the rapid spread of this technology in the developing world has occurred

in a fundamentally different way, compared with the West. Modern western telecommunications began

with the telegraph and then telephone lines strung across the continent. Access to the Web spread first

though PCs over phone lines, then via broadband cable, and now wirelessly.



Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer kicked off this year's keynote sessions with an upbeat

take on how his company plans to not only extend its reach in the home entertainment market, but

transform the sector as well. "From the largest screen on the wall to the smallest screens in people's

pockets, we are delivering the entertainment people want," Ballmer said.





2010 International CES showcased technology that will shape the future of consumer electronics,

including wireless, 3-D HDTV, advances in OLED, green technologies, Internet TV, mobile DTV

and digital entertainment. Gaming also played a starring role this year.


During a panel discussion at the recently concluded 2010 International CES in Las Vegas, David Poltrack, the vice president of research at CBS, said broadcast companies were taking an in-

depth look at the TV Everywhere business model because it would give them another potential

revenue stream. "Cable TV has a dual revenue stream," he said. "Broadcast TV traditionally

hasn't. ... As broadcasters, we have to start to develop that second revenue stream and it's

available in the concept of TV Everywhere."




CES 2003

CES 2004

CES 2005

more CES 2005

 CES 2006

CES 2007

CES 2008

CES 2009

CES 2010





First Day CES 08

Home Entertainment

Press Day Two CES 2008

Peter Frampton at Gibson

The Girls of CES

CES 2014


Copyright © 1998-2014

Buffalo Benford Productions, LLC

all photos property of Benford E. Standley





2008 Tech News Flashback

2007 Tech News Flashback

2006 Tech News Flashback

2005 Tech News Flashback

2004 Tech News Flashback